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restoring sons and daughters

to their God-given identity so they can

transform their communities 

and revive South Africa


Our vision is to empower youth for life and fullness through spiritual formation, community, education, and networking.

Practically, that looks like weekly youth clubs for children aged 8 through 19 where local youth leaders provide safe space for kids to play games and sports, engage in fun educational activities, enjoy snacks, and ask questions about faith. It looks like home visitation, mentoring and advocacy, prayer, and pastoral counsel for those who express deeper needs. Sometimes it looks like clothing, shelter, food, or other humanitarian aid, which we provide without discrimination to those in need, limited only by the resources at our disposal.

It looks like exciting weekend youth camps, hosted on our beautiful farm, where children attend age-appropriate seminars and experience energetic, inspiring, Christ-centered worship events. It looks like bonfires and stargazing, and horizons of hope that allow kids to dream bigger and reach further.

It looks like cross-cultural networking with international teams of youth and young adults from the United States and around the world. It looks like internship programs for young people who want to serve in foreign missions. It looks like working together with local authorities, social workers, schools, and community leaders to find practical solutions to the growing spiritual, social, educational, and economic concerns.






We are generating income and local jobs through our macadamia orchards, and by hosting volunteers and mission teams on the tranquil Emoyeni Farm. As we plant new orchards and develop our retreat center, we hope to increase sustainability over the next decade and decrease our dependence on donor investment.  

Our Cornerstones

  • God is always good. I am deeply loved by Him.

  • The Gospel is true, powerful, and relevant.  I walk in freedom because of my identity in Christ.

  • I am significant. My life matters and has great value.

  • I am called and gifted by God. I have divine purpose.

Contact us

Call: +27 79 479 6512


P.O. Box 9458

Nelspruit, 1200

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(c) Emoyeni South Africa 2022

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